Sriwijaya University, Faculty of Agriculture, Jln. Palembang-Prabumulih KM 32, Indralaya Campus 30662, South Sumatra, Indonesia
Wildayana, E. and M. E. Armanto, 2018. Dynamics of landuse changes and general perception of farmers on South Sumatra wetlands. Bulg. J. Agric. Sci., 24 (2): 180–188
The research aimed to gain some insight into the use of wetlands, approaches and wetland management of what has been experienced for four decades since the wetlands were reclaimed. This study used intensive field surveys with quantitative and qualitative approaches. The research resulted that the greatest wetland transformation was done through transmigration schemes, where public infrastructure has been built to wetlands reclamation for agricultural purposes in a broad sense. Not all wetlands are suitable for food crops, if they are not suitable for food crops and are still cultivated for food crops, then wetland degradation and farming costs will be very high. Agricultural constraints faced by farmers are more of physical constraints, namely water management, soil acidity, Al and Fe toxicity, pest and diseases, thick peats, and soil subsidence. Almost all constraints decreased rice yields of around 20-85% and income of farmers in the range of 30-100%.